COA Spring 2022 Newsletter

We at COA Community Outreach Alliance are very grateful to have received a generous donation from Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley. The check was handed to Joanie Angeli by Rev. Alice Reid. Barbara Lindquist contacted Joanie and shared that COA was the recipient of this donation due to the good work she & others have observed that COA does in the community. Barbara and Kevin volunteer at the COA Food Connection (which offers free food to the community every other Monday) and has seen performers from COA Entertainment at community events and knows of some Non-profits in the community that COA teams up with.

The Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley have invited any interested COA performers to join Jewel Tones Choir
Rehearsals on Tues. Evenings, Led by Music and Choir Director, Pianist, Diane King Vann
For more contact:

The AIM High (previously known as Thrive Alive) series began March 30th for teens (13-17 yrs). It is a great way to armor them up against the many dangers and obstacles they are faced with in today’s world. From Trending Drug Cultures, Social Media and Self-Esteem, to Nutrition and Eating for a Sustainable World. AIM High offers a 7-week program of educational workshops, mixed with fun social activities and creative art projects!

“Your neighbor’s child is your own. His/her success is your success too.”
Malawian Expression

When a community realizes that the health of their neighborhoods relies on investing in the health of their children, good things can happen.

Thanks to amazing donors and sponsors, participation is absolutely FREE and you can read more about it at

TGIF Socialization is a safe space for teens. Most teens just want to hangout and have fun.  Thanks to The Noble Path Foundation every TGIF provides that space. The events held here are for teens 13-18 years old to have a safe fun place on Friday nights. They also offer free guitar lessons there every Friday.

Registration required spots go fast!

On Saturday, April 23rd
Mark your calendar for the FAMILY FEST! There will be many activities including LIVE MUSIC by a COA Band and Performers on Stage! COME TO THE COA BOOTH FOR Games and Prizes!

Open Mic Night
Friday April 29th 6:45-8:45pm

To request to perform or questions contact Joanie at

On May 7th
come to the community Center for the SC Village Art Fair

Tickets still available for the
2022 Garden Tour on May 14th
2 of the Performers providing
LIVE Music are COA Performers!

On Memorial Day Weekend
May 29th 30th


You’re WORTH IT was an Inspirational and Impactful Event held on March 12
at the Baha’i Center hosted by COA and Connect-OC!

The attendees viewed the Documentary & Music Video from the original song  WORTH IT-
Written and recorded by 5 COA ALUMNI PERFORMERS And the Live Performance followed!

@sean_bierman  @chadbierman  @coreyangelimusic
@gabbyneeley  @ava_domini

MORE LIVE MUSIC THE last 30 minutes.

To view  the 7 videos performed go to:
Be sure to like and follow us once your there!

There was a panel discussion supporting Mental Health.  The moderator was David Paddison was from Connect-OC with a panel of local young adult advocates and a mental health professional from the Wellness and Prevention Center
It was emphasized that local resources are available for those that may be struggling with mental health and the event was accompanied by a resource fair featuring several local agencies that offer mental wellness resources and services. As a way to encourage engagement at the resource fair, COA held an opportunity drawing (sponsored by Chris Walker Real Estate-Coldwell Banker) for attendees and gave out over 8 gift cards.

Jennifer Aquendo,  Paula Kohl, Sarah Petrus,

Blair Veraza, Teri Steel, David Paddison, Crystal Bleicher

Joanie Angel – Founder of COA Entertainment

She spoke about all the many Outreaches in the community over the years with COA Performers providing live music  and how this provides an  opportunity to share about the partnerships in the community for PROMOTING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FOR YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS!
Check out RESOURCES tab 
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to the COA Entertainment Youtube
Follow @coa.Entertainment

On April 9th, COA performer Temi sang with Lindsay  at the Bistro K.

Mark you calendar for April 30th
for another COA Fundraiser event at
Bistro K

Stay Connected with COA Entertainment

Check out COA Entertainment on Social Media!
Subscribe to our Youtube ChannelLike us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramCheck out Our updated website or Reach out and Email us!

COA Food connection

Free Food

Do you need groceries?

Free Food Distribution for those in need without identification!
No questions asked! At no cost!

The San Clemente Baha’l Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674

New Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Every Other Monday

May 2nd, 16th

No donation on Memorial Day May 30th

June 13th and 27th

July 11th and 25th

August 8th and 22nd 

No donation on Labor day Sept 5th

September 19th

October 3rd, 17th and 31st

Stay Connected with Food Connection

Check out Food Connection on Social Media!
Like us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramCheck out Our updated website or Reach out and Email us!

Sign up to Volunteer with COA community Service hours