Here are some local resources that COA has partnered with to help youth and young adults to choose to live a healthy lifestyle.

Free Food Distribution for those in need
The San Clemente Baha’l Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
New Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Every Other Monday

Calvary Chapel San Clemente in association with Love San Clemente is hosting a Drive Thru Food Distribution every Thursday. Line opens at 2:00 pm. First come first served until food runs out. Each week we provide dairy, vegetables, meats, fruit and an every changing assortment of food items. Distribution dependent on truck arrival.
1031 Calle Recodo
San Clemente, CA. 92673
When you arrive for food… stay in your car and open your trunk.
Volunteers are required to wear gloves and masks. If you would like to volunteer, email randy@lovesanclemente.org. Volunteers arrive at 1:30 pm to set up.

Saddleback San Clemente Drive through Food distribution at San Clemente Outlets
101 W Avenida Vista Hermosa
San Clemente, CA 92673
On the top of the parking structure
Every other Wednesday
9am – 11am
See upcoming dates and other locations

Drive through Food distribution at Saddleback Rancho Capistrano
Lower Parking Lot
29251 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Every Third Week of Month
See upcoming dates and other locations
Learn More

AIM High (previously known as Thrive Alive) is a Free Teen Mentorship program ( for ages 13-17 yrs). It is a great way to armor them against the many dangers and obstacles they are faced with in today’s world. From Trending Drug Cultures, Social Media and Self-Esteem, to Nutrition and Eating for a Sustainable World. AIM High offers a 7-week program of educational workshops, mixed with fun social activities and creative art projects!
Our Fall AIM High series begins Wednesday, October 5th. This game-changing program pairs leaders in our community with our teen participants, inspiring meaningful dialogue on a variety of topics – all aimed at giving them the skills and information they need to navigate an increasingly complicated and challenging world.
We kick off the series with PHYSICAL & EMOTIONAL STRESS COPING SKILLS with @connect_oc and Week 5 is SELF-ESTEEM & SOCIAL MEDIA presented by @wpcoc
Other topics include Nutrition & Wellness with @thenoblepathfoundation Teen Dating & Healthy Relationships with @laurashouseheart
Trending Drug Cultures with @partners4wellnessorg
Leadership Development with @rotarysanclemente president @robertburnsactor who also leads our improv during the series on Monday’s to help participants build confidence
Our Life Lessons segment focuses on teen financial literacy with @taxprossc
If you have a young person in your household (ages 13-18), I hope you will consider enrolling them in this incredible course. Thanks to the giving hearts of our partners and sponsors, this program remains FREE to all who participate.
We limit each session to 15 teens, so please sign up early to reserve a spot. You can initiate your free PushPress Membership here (https://thenoblepathfoundation.org/membership/) and once activated, you’ll be able to sign up for courses in seconds with our mobile app.

Free Guitar Lessons
Fridays 4:30-5:30pm
All levels welcome
for teens 13-18
Noble Path Foundation

Free Fun Hang-out Spot for teens 13 and older every Friday. Every week is a different theme picked by the teens.
Check out the calendar and learn more at https://thenoblepathfoundation.org/social-activities/
Fridays 6pm-9pm
All levels welcome
for teens 13-18
Noble Path Foundation
Sober Partner’s Philosophy is to demonstrate how Sobriety can be fun or our clients won’t find value in the work it takes to stay Sober. We insist on having fun with our clients. We provide a comprehensive list of services in the recovery industry and our staff has a passion for working with folks new to recovery.
Villa Oasis is a resource for teen drug abuse, with insight on signs to look for, risk factors, helpful ways to approach teens, and treatment information if needed
Project Eli is a family run, nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness about fake drugs made of illicit fentanyl. We partner with local and state leaders, educators, parents, students, and communities to reach the most vulnerable group; teens and young adults. Project Eli is a certified NARCAN® nasal spray distributor.
The Alexander Neville Foundation’s mission is to bring to light the dangers of illicit drugs and promote peer-to-peer outreach. Actively Fighting the Fentanyl Epidemic through awareness and education.
It’s no secret that drug addiction is hereditary. If a family member struggles with addiction, it puts you at greater risk than someone who doesn’t have an addiction in the family.The risk is higher if it’s a first-degree relative who is addicted. Parents, children, and siblings are some examples. With Know Your DNA you can get Genetic tests that can analyze your DNA and identify your risk for substance use disorders like alcoholism and opiate addiction.