Doing More Because of You – September 2022 Newsletter

Community Outreach Alliance continues to grow stronger each day and we are excited for what the future holds. We have a strong team of dedicated board members, advisory committee, volunteers and amazing support from the community. We have some big plans for the future to help reach more people and help share community resources.

Through Food Connection, we continue to strive towards our goal of helping to feed and care for more people. We help serve food to hundreds of local families, seniors and military families.

Through COA Entertainment many youth and young adults are able to flourish and share their passion of music. Because of our music outreach program we can share about the resources available in the community with those we partner with that have similar goals.


Help Support COA
Shop, Save, Win, and Have Fun at the
SC Outlets Shopping Extravaganza


Select COA Community Outreach Alliance as your non-profit

A great event to enjoy and support COA ($25 out of the $35 ticket purchase goes to COA) so we can help reach more families, seniors, and military to feed and help more youth with opportunities.

COA Entertainment is partnering with the Baha’i Center to put on a Broadway Night Showcasing acting, dancing, skits and artwork on November 18-20th.

Auditions will be at the Baha’i Monday 4:30pm after Food Connection distribution on these dates:

September 19th
October 3rd, 17th and 31st

Baha’i Center
3316 Avenida Del Presidente San Clemente, CA 92674

All ages and families are welcome to submit artwork and perform
To Learn More and Fill out this application visit:

Questions please contact us at:
(949) 257-2286


Looking for ways to help out in the community? Looking for Community Service hours?

Looking for a social media assistant. If you are looking for way to boost your portfolio we could use you to help us manage our social media.

We need volunteers at the San Clemente Car Show and at the SC Outlets Extravanganza.

We always need volunteers for Food Connection

Helping to set out food and distribute food every other Monday.

Contact us for more info.

Fill out the Volunteer form to help volunteer.

Would you consider JOINING US on the COA ENTERTAINMENT TEAM?
There are different ways to help out, so please email with interest and/or questions to

Get involved with COA boad and help make a difference in the community.
Contact us for info: (949) 257-2286 /

We appreciate your support. Your donations help COAs programs to reach more people so we can feed more families, seniors and militaries. We also have the chance to have more youth perform live locally and share community resources.


Because of You, Local Youth have more Opportunities to perform locally at different venues live and help share local resources.

We want to also thank some incredible COA Entertainment volunteer who have helped shape to make the program what it is.



SC Car show Popular Annual Event with COA Performers during the opening hour!
Come by the COA Booth-Still some open spots for Volunteers. Click here to volunteer

Open Mic– Limited performing spots so contact lyvonne at ASAP if interested. Everyone welcome to come and be in the Audience.

Oct 1 – Village Art Faire
Date to be set – Bistro K Fundraiser


November-Mermade Market
Mermade Market at the DP Ocean Institute
November 5th

Casa Romantica Casa Luminia
ALL COA  PERFORMERS- Check out the Email sent to you from COA for details  how to get in the Line up-Less than 1 week to take action!


COA Entertainment Recent Events:

Bistro K -July and August
Casa Romantica-Aug 7
Village Art Fair August
Ocean Festival

COA COMMUNITY OUTREACH ALLIANCE–Teams up with other non-profits with similar goals for PROMOTING a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE for Youth and Young Adults. Below is a overview of the many Events in 2022
At are photo collages of many of the Events below where the COA performers provided LIVE MUSIC!
At All events- there are COA Poster boards up-Promoting:COA Entertainment, Food Connection & Resources and COA Performers make announcements – Promoting COA!
Check out RESOURCES:

February: Festival of the Whales-2 day event
City of Dana Point

February & August: Yoder Days
Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens

February: Celebration of World Rotary Day at Pier
Sunrise Rotary Club

March:You’re Worth It Event
Event hosted by COA & Connect OC –The inspirational songWorth It-written and recorded by 5 Alumni COA Performers was performed and Music Video Shown. There was a Resource Fair that included: Connect-OC/Partners4Wellness The Noble Path Foundation, NAMI Orange County Wellness & Prevention Center Laguna Playhouse

April: Family Fest
Event hosted by Wellness and Prevention Center

April: 2022 Garden Tour
San Clemente Garden Club

May: Evening of the Arts
Event hosted by NAMI-OC

May:Aim High Celebration
Event hosted by The Noble Path Foundation

May: Music on Memorial Day
Outlets at San Clemente

July: Ocean Festival-2 day event
San Clemente Ocean Festival

Village Art Faire-1 Sat. a month
DBA Downtown Business Association


Free Food

Do you need groceries?

Free Food Distribution for those in need without identification!
No questions asked! At no cost!

The San Clemente Baha’i Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674

New Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Every Other Monday

September 19th

October 3rd, 17th and 31st

We love our Food Connection Volunteers! Thank you for all you do to help feed families and the community. Our local families, senior and military families are so grateful for you too!

Stay Connected with Food Connection

Check out Food Connection on Social Media!

Like us on Facebook

Follow us on Instagram

Check out Our updated website

Reach out and Email us


Check out our Community Resources page on our website to learn about Local free Food distributions, Free Youth Activities, Mental Health, Drug and Alcoholl Assistance, Family help and more.


Every Week The Noble Path Foundation has a different fun Social Activity for teens.
Must be 13+ or older
Hang out, throw darts, play ping pong, watch movies, draw, play games.

420 El Camino Real, San Clemente

Sign up attend at this link:

Free Guitar Lessons

Free guitar lessons for teens every Friday 4:30-5:30PM420 El Camino Real, San Clemente

Sign up attend at this link:

AIM High

AIM High is a 7-week free leadership series of Advocacy, Inspiration and Mentorship by The Noble Foundation that pairs young people with leaders in our community, with the goal of helping them reach their highest potential in all areas of wellness.
Next session starts Oct 5 – Nov 16th.
Sign up at:
donate to COA
Sign up to Volunteer with COA community Service hours