Summer 2021 Newsletter

Shift in Roles

Hello COA Board of Directors and All,
I Steve Bartock would like to formally announce my resignation as President of COA Board of Directors. It has been my sincere pleasure to serve alongside you for the last three years. I am so delighted to pass the torch over to Teri Steel who has been so dedicated to COA for so many years going all the back to the early beginnings and having served on multiple operational positions. Her tireless dedication is truly what helped keep COA together and fully functioning especially in the most challenging times! I know that she will be the leader to push forward in the coming years for the total success of COA and its wonderful programs that benefit our youth in the community and more.
I want to also express my thanks and gratitude to all of my Board Members for all the dedicated work they have shared in over the past years. With great pleasure I honor all the new board members that have joined to create a more comprehensive and broader reach for all the activities and events that all the COA youth get to learn form and enjoy healthy events.

My departure is a bit of bitter sweet and sorrow, I remember the days when I helped Laura Leleand and Pondo Vleisides at the tennis courts on Avenida Hermosa get the beginning days of COA started with the Dodge Ball Games for the young adults who were getting together to share some sober time with friends enjoying an evening together. Then we started bringing our Bar-B-Q’s and having them break bread together. I will always remember those beginning days with great joy!
Since my wife Lynn and I decided to retire a little earlier than we had planned, we felt it necessary to relocate to a retirement area that was more conducive to our desires and needs. We are now residing in beautiful Prescott Arizona and loving it. It reminds us of the Big Bear & Arrowhead area. We will certainly miss our long time friends still living in town but building our new home with a guest suite so we can welcome friends and relatives to come and stay as long as they want! There are four wonderful lakes in the nearby area that will provide lots of water activities as well as great fishing to enjoy. 250 square miles of National Forest to explore and mountain bike riding and so much more. Life is wonderful here with so many opportunities to enjoy.
I will be keeping COA close to my heart for the future. I know it is now in good hands with all the great people working together in a spirit of team work for positive growth.
All the Best to you,
Steve Bartock

Great news! The Noble Path Foundation
has a new fantastic space!

San Clmente Pier Puzzles for Sale
Buy a Puzzle

COA Club is back Meeting on campus at
San Clemente HIgh School!

We’re very excited our activities coordinators are back and ready to launch!
at the San Clemente Baha’i Center
Monday Night’s 5-7pm
starting in September.
More info to come!
Fill out the waiver to signup

Free Guitar Lessons with Luke are Back!
Monday Night’s 5-6pm
starting in September.
Fill out Waiver to sign up!

COA Music will be performing at the 25th Annual San Clemente Car Show
We will have a Booth at this event. Stop by and Say Hi!
We are looking for some volunteers to help us out at our booth at the event.

COA will have a booth at this event. Stop by and Say Hi!
Purchase a Ticket at:
CHOOSE the charity ticket for Community Outreach Alliance and they will receive a $25 donation per ticket.
SHOP exclusive discounts at participating stores.
ENJOY a private catered lunch, VIP wine and cocktail tasting, entertainment & more.
ENTER TO WIN over $45,000 in prizes, including gift cards to more than 60 stores.
Tickets are $35 – $25 goes back to COA for our youth Programs!

Upcoming Open Mic Night Dates
Friday, September 24 and Friday, October 15
The San Clemente Baha’I Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
Interested in performing?
Contact Joanie at

Get a Video of You Performing on our Instagram Page!
Here’s How:
1. Submit your 30-59 second video through Instagram dms (messaging)
– make sure your video has no wording or logos on the video
-make sure your video is sent directly to the dms from your phone NOT as a forward from your Instagram account
-all videos should be COA appropriate
2. Once your video is received through the Instagram account it will be approved and scheduled.
3. We will only post one video a week and the videos will be scheduled and approved in the order in which they come in to the best of our ability.

@distortion._theband @thebadkissers

Do you need groceries?
Free food distribution for those in need without identification!
No questions asked! At no cost!
The San Clemente Baha’I Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
4.30 PM TO 6.00 PM
September 20th
October 4th and 18th
November 1st, 15th and 29th
December 13th and 27th
COA Food Connection ~ Who we are, What do we do and How do we do it…..
The COA “Food Pantry” consists of volunteers who strive to feed people locally, people we may know or see every day. They are a team that is committed to assisting those in need and generally doing positive acts to help our community.
Where do we get the food?
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning (8:00 am), we have volunteers who “pick up” donated groceries from Gelson’s, Ralph’s, Target and Walmart and transport them to the pantry to be sorted, stored or distributed that day. We receive a lot of fresh deli items that need to be distributed asap. Volunteers routinely take car loads of food to areas we know are in need, all local. This usually takes a couple of hours in the morning and we always need volunteers to keep things running smoothly.
Currently, food distribution is done in two ways:
Every other Monday afternoon/evening, COA sets up a food distribution at their current pantry location, The Baha’I Center, 3316 del Presidente, San Clemente, CA 92674. This event is directed by Sylvia Hassard-Johnson, one of our lead volunteers. We always need help setting up and working at this event, and everyone is welcome to “drop in” and lend a hand! Set up begins at 2:00 pm, distribution is 4:00-6:00 pm and cleanup afterward is less than an hour. Volunteers are not expected to work the entire time as we rotate volunteers. We appreciate any time you can spare to make these food distributions successful!
On the 1st and 3rd Thursday every month, Food Connection provides shopping in a pantry setting at Cotton’s Point Senior Apartments located at 2358 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672. We literally “pack up the pantry”, do our pick ups and set up an outdoor marketplace where the seniors peruse the items and pick up what they want. This is where our volunteering entails more than just feeding seniors. Many of the seniors do not get out of their apartments much, so they get a chance to socialize together, something they never did prior to our participation! We have been doing this for almost 5 years and many of the seniors have become family to us. Prior to Covid, twice a month we provided a homemade lunch/BBQ in their rec room, followed by bingo, games, music, prizes, etc.!
If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer, we certainly hope you will give us a try.
We have a solid core of volunteers that we know we can count on and hope you will consider joining COA Food Connection. In addition to serving our community, we sure manage to have a lot of fun while doing it and great relationships have been formed at “The Pantry”!
Please complete the online waiver here
You can sign up to see Volunteer Opportunites at this link
A Truck, SUV or Van and Driver is needed for Food Connection!
A truck, SUV or Van and Driver is needed to go to second harvest in Irvine
to be there at 1:15pm every other Friday, load up and drive to the The San Clemente Baha’I Center and unload
Finish as soon as it is unloaded 3pm latest.
Let us know if you can help!

Youth Mental Health Expo
Building hope and resiliency during uncertain times
The focus is youth/ young adult suicide prevention by building hope and resiliency.

Festival of the Hearts
Teens have the power to make a difference in causes impacting their futures and relationships. Youth activism is a tool for teens to promote healthy relationships and other movements to end violence in our communities!
Register at:

BILY (Because I Love You)
regain control of their home, establish structure, and find the strength to develop new, cooperative family relationships.