No Tricks Just Treats – October 2022
Here at COA we have lots of great treats coming your way! We have lots going on with both COA Food Connection and COA Entertainment.
COA had a great write up in the San Clemente Times – Crib to College series (pages 6-7) written by Breeana Greenberg. The article talked about the collaboration between the COA and The Noble Path Foundation with a goal to reach more families in the community to help our youth have a healthier world. COA has a wonderful and active board and Teri Steel is our Advisory Board member and Executive Director for AIM High. She continues to provide her wisdom and energy to benefit all.

Thank you for the generous donation from Keenan & Associates and our Grant from Smart and Final. We are also so thankful for all our monthly donors who help us maintain our weekly COA Food Connection and COA Entertainment activities so we can help more people.
Also thank you for all who came out to the Outlets at San Clemente Shopping Extravaganza event to help support COA. We appreciate you!
Community Outreach Alliance continues to grow stronger each day and we are excited for what the future holds. We have a strong team of dedicated board members, advisory committee, volunteers and amazing support from the community. We have some big plans for the future to help reach more people and help share community resources.
Through Food Connection, we continue to strive towards our goal of helping to feed and care for more people. We help serve food to hundreds of local families, seniors and military families.
Through our music outreach program, COA Entertainment, many youth and young adults are able to flourish and share their passion of music. Because of our music outreach program we can share about the resources available in the community with those we partner with that have similar goals.

COA is partnering with the Baha’i Center and The Noble Path Foundation to put on a Broadway Night and Variety Show that will be a fundraiser event to benefit COA Food Connection and COA Entertainment programs.
Showcasing singing, acting, dancing, skits and artwork on November 19th 2-4:30pm
Come and support COA while watching local talented youth perform
Baha’i Center
3316 Avenida Del Presidente San Clemente, CA 92674
Tickets are $10 for adults / $6 for senior/ military
All ages and family show
To Learn More and Fill out this application visit:
Questions please contact us at:
(949) 257-2286
COA is putting on a Toy Drive November 1st – December 19th. We are accepting new wrapped toys for our Food Connection distribution to help families in need.
Please drop them off a the Baha’i San Clemente
The San Clemente Baha’l Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
You can also drop off at the COA Booth On Saturday, December 3 at the Puttin’ on the Glitz Event.
Learn more at
Looking for ways to help out in the community? Looking for Community Service hours?
Looking for a social media assistant. If you are looking for way to boost your portfolio we could use you to help us manage our social media.
We always need volunteers for Food Connection
Helping to set out food and distribute food every other Monday.
Fill out the Volunteer form to help volunteer.
Would you consider JOINING US on the COA ENTERTAINMENT TEAM?
There are different ways to help out, so please email with interest and/or questions to
Get involved with COA boad and help make a difference in the community.
Contact us for info: (949) 257-2286
We appreciate your support. Your donations help COAs programs to reach more people so we can feed more families, seniors and military. We also have the chance to have more youth perform live locally and share community resources.

Open Mic – Oct. 28 Full Line Up
Contact Lyvonne at
If interested in being contacted for the January Open Mic Night
Everyone welcome to come and be in the Audience!
Costumes Encouraged!

Puttin on the Glitz
Dec. 3
COA Booth and COA Bands and Performers on Del Mar
Casa Romantica Casa Luminia
8 dates in Dec. With COA Performers from 5:00-7:00pm
December 1st – 4th
December 11th
December 20th -22nd
Beautiful Gardens all lit up with Beautiful Holiday songs!

Great performances and FUN time! Thanks to all at the Baha’i Center. Thanks to Lyvonne for organizing and all the night of event-also great to have Megan as Emcee and one of the Performers!
SC Car Show-Sept
Annual Community event by SCDBA with excellent performances by Anna singing the National Anthem and Corey @coreyangelimusic performing a set of popular covers!

Village Art Faire October
Awesome to have LIVE MUSIC by talented COA Performers at this event held at the SC Community Center!
COA COMMUNITY OUTREACH ALLIANCE Teams up with other non-profits with similar goals for PROMOTING a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE for Youth and Young Adults.
At are photo collages of many of the Events below where the COA performers provided LIVE MUSIC!
At All events- there are COA Poster boards up -Promoting: COA Entertainment, Food Connection & Resources and COA Performers make announcements – Promoting COA!
Check out our RESOURCES page:

Stay Connected with COA Entertainment
Check out COA Entertainment on Social Media!
Follow us on Instagram
Like us on Facebook
Check out Our updated website
Reach out and Email us ( New Email Address)
Can you help us grow our
Youtube Channel and Subscribe?

Free Food
Do you need groceries?
Free Food Distribution for those in need without identification!
No questions asked! At no cost!
The San Clemente Baha’i Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
New Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Every Other Monday
October 31st
November 14th and 28th
December 12th and 26th
We love our Food Connection Volunteers! Thank you for all you do to help feed families and the community. Our local families, senior and military families are so grateful for you too!

Check out our Community Resources page on our website to learn about Local free Food distributions, Free Youth Activities, Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Assistance, Family help and more.
Every Week The Noble Path Foundation has a different fun Social Activity for teen called TGIF
Must be 13+ or older
Hang out, throw darts, play ping pong, watch movies, draw, play games.
420 El Camino Real, San Clemente
Sign up attend at this link:
The most popular TGIF of the month is always GAMING NIGHT. Since Halloween is on Monday, this will be a double WHAMMY!
Pizza, prizes and plenty of pandemonium, no doubt! This will def max out, so sign up via our members app on Push Press or call 949.981.4998 if you want to reserve a space!
Free Guitar Lessons
Free guitar lessons for teens every Friday 4:30-5:30PM
420 El Camino Real, San Clemente
Sign up attend at this link:
AIM High
AIM High is a 7-week free leadership series of Advocacy, Inspiration and Mentorship by The Noble Foundation that pairs young people with leaders in our community, with the goal of helping them reach their highest potential in all areas of wellness.
Next session starts soon! Current Session ends Nov. 16th.
Sign up at :