COA Strong All Summer Long – July 2022 Newsletter

Community Outreach Alliance continues to grow stronger each day and we are excited for what the future holds. We have had a few years of challenges, restructuring and rebranding. We have a strong team of dedicated board members, advisory committee, volunteers and amazing support from the community.
Through Food Connection, we continue to strive towards our goal of helping to feed and care for more people. We help serve food to hundreds of local families, seniors and military families.
Through COA Entertainment many youth and young adults are able to flourish and share their passion of music and because of our music outreach program, we can share about the resources available in the community with those we partner with that have similar goals.
We want to thank everyone who came out to our Fundraisers that help support our programs and for the generous donation the San Clemente Exchange Club and the National Charity League.
Community Outreach Alliance has joined forces with The Noble Path Foundation and we are so excited to have them in the community to help support our youth and young adults.
On June 24th was the Ribbon Cutting ceremony for The Noble Path Foundation at their building and they received many Certificates of Recognition!
Many from the San Clemente Chamber of Commerce and others in the community were in attendance, including Molly Flores (COA Food Connection Lead) and Joanie Angeli (COA Entertainment Lead)
Teri Steel gave a great talk! It’s wonderful how The Noble Path Foundation has the Aim High Program and so many activities, including free guitar lessons, to offer youth and young adults in the community. We love being their community partner. COA Food Connection provides some food for their social activities & COA Entertainment offers some performers for live music to The Noble Path Foundation during events.

Cindi Juncal ( President and Founder of The Noble Path Foundation) and Teri Steel ( Executive Director for AIM High / Advisory Board Member of COA)

We want to thank the Exchange Club of San Clemente for their recent generous donation to COA Community Outreach Alliance. We are so grateful to receive this donation so we can continue to reach more people for our programs Food Connection and COA Entertainment. We had the honor of meeting with Don Brown and Beth Apodaca from the Exchange Club of San Clemente at the June 13th Food Connection distribution. We are thankful to receive this donation and value our relationship with the Exchange Club of San Clemente.

Pictured Paula Kohl ( COA president), Don Brown and Beth Apodaca (San Clemente Exchange Club), Joanie Angeli (COA Entertainment Lead) , Sylvia Hassard-Johnson (COA Food Connection Lead) Jennifer Aquino (COA Vice-President)

We want to graciously thank the National Charity League for coming out to COA’s last Food Connection food distribution last week to help volunteer and donate a check to our non-profit. We are excited to be able to help feed more people in our community, families, seniors and military families. We are so thankful for all the amazing volunteers, lead volunteers (Dawn, Molly, Sylvia, Karen) and the moms and their daughters who have come out the last few distributions to help set up, help during distribution, and tear down. We are thankful to Laura Burnes to help us to receive this donation and value our relationship with National Charity League.

Mark your Calendar for Saturday, September 17th

Ocean Festival
July 16th,17th Performances by COA bands
and performers at the Youth Pavillion
On July 16th
1:30 Teenage Noise
2:15 Temi Krovblit
3:00 Late to the Party
On July 17th
10:00 Avery Brostrom
more info:

Bistro K Fundraiser is coming up on July 23

Village Art Faire
SC Community Center on Sat. Aug 6th
Many booths and live music by COA Performers from 11:30-1:00pm

Casa Romantica’s Yoder Days
Sunday, August 7th

Open Mic Night
Friday August 26 6:45-8:45pm
Interested in performing? Email Lyvonne at
(New Email!)
Big thanks to Music co-lead Lyvonne who is really stepping up to oversee the open mic nights, Village Art Fairs and more!

Memorial Day Weekend
May 29-30 were awesome performances at Outlets at San Clemente!

Bistro K fundraiser was held on June 4th.

Village Art Fair in June

June’s Open Mic Night
June’s Open Mic Night held at the Baha’i Center was filled with talent!

Stay Connected with COA Entertainment
Check out COA Entertainment on Social Media!
Reach out and Email us ( New Email Address)

Free Food
Do you need groceries?
Free Food Distribution for those in need without identification!
No questions asked! At no cost!
The San Clemente Baha’l Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
New Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Every Other Monday
No food distribution on Memorial Day
( if you need help with food before our next distribution please reach out to our Food Connection team for assistance by emailing us!)
July 11th and 25th
August 8th and 22nd
No donation on Labor day Sept 5th
September 19th
October 3rd, 17th and 31st
We love our Food Connection Volunteers! Thank you for all you do to help feed families and the community. Our local families, senior and military families are so grateful for you too!

Stay Connected with Food Connection
Check out Food Connection on Social Media!

Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls
Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls gives girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals, empowering them to break cycles of poverty, violence, and abuse.
Age: Going into or in High School
Must commit to both 6/11 & 6/13 workshops. Space is limited to 15 participants.

TGIF at The Noble Path Foundation
Must be 13+ or older
Hang out, throw darts, play ping pong, watch movies, draw, play games.Every Friday 6-9pm420 El Camino Real, San ClementeSign up attend at this link:

Free Guitar Lessons
Free guitar lessons for teens every Friday 4:30-5:30PM420 El Camino Real, San Clemente
Sign up attend at this link:

AIM High