Music is in the Air – February 2022 Newsletter

Join us at the End of the Pier for this celebration!

Check out the LIVE MUSIC
From COA Performers
over the Weekend of March 5th and 6th

Join us at Casa Romantica
Sunday , March 6th
Yoder Days
Live Music by COA Performers 11:00-1:00pm

Register for this Amazing Event!

Villiage Art Faire
1st Sat in March, April & May
(selected times for performances)

Family Fest
Saturday, April 23rd
Afternoon Performances

Come Jam with us at the Open Mic NIght
Friday April 29th at the Bahai Center
6:45- 8:45pm
(priority given to new performers)

Live Performances by COA Performers
Outlets of San Clemente
2 days will be selected with afternoon performances
(Priority given to those attending the You’re Worth It event)

Contact Joanie
if you’d like to be considered
for performing at any of the 4 events above:

San Clemente Village Art Faire in February

Joanie Angeli (COA Entertainment Lead) with Paula Kohl (COA President) with Corey Angeli (COA Performer)

Free Food
Do you need groceries?
Free Food Distribution for those in need without identification!
No questions asked! At no cost!
The San Clemente Baha’l Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
New Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Every Other Monday
No Food Connection on February 21st due to the President Day holiday
March 7th, 21st
April 4th, 18th
May 9, 23rd
The COA Food Connection provides much more than food to locals. 
Our volunteers make a difference in the quality of life through relationships and compassion.
Thank you to Lisa Bartlett for COVID relief, San Clemente Bahá’í Center for sharing your space and Second Harvest Orange County for your ongoing collaboration to stop hunger. 

A Safe place for teens to have fun
Our COA President Paula Kohl mentoring teens attending The Noble Path Foundation TGIF. The alliance with TNPF has helped COA provide a safe place for teens.

Sign up for the next NPF MOVIE NIGHT,
fun and games!
Scan and sign the waiver to save your spot!

Washington DC Trip to CADCA
The SCHS COA Club and Wellness & Prevention Center youth arrived safely in Washington DC to take part in a weeklong CADCA conference along with their chaperones lead by Lauren Gallegos 💗
They’re representing their club’s missions of drug prevention through healthy activities and mental health awareness.
Shout out to Rainbow Sandals Foundation 💝 Rotary Club of San Clemente 💝 Molly Flores and the COA Board for supporting this leadership development trip they’ll remember for a lifetime.

Congrats to Mia!!!
COA club president Mia Arnwine wins first place at the CADCA talent show

Thank you NPF
for a Safe Place for Teens to have fun
Is it possible for teens to have fun on a Friday night without soda, candy, alcohol or drugs? If you asked the party-goers at last night’s TGIF at The Noble Path Foundation, the answer is a resounding YES.
Ping Pong, music, darts, healthy snacks, movies, video arcade games and a live action murder-mystery-whodunnit were ALL on deck
🥳 We’re very excited to collaborate with The Noble Path Foundation to provide a safe space and fun activities for teens choosing a healthy lifestyle
COA Alumni Intern creates
Festival of Whales Design
Check out the incredible design and help us shout out congrats to alumni intern COA Artist Matt Rinehart for creating the standout 2022 graphic. We are so proud of the career Matt has developed for himself. We hope you support the Dana Point Festival of Whales by purchasing their apparel.
Bonus: The COA Entertainment & Art performers are scheduled to entertain.
Celebrating Black History Month
Black History Month is a time to embrace and recognize the heritage, accomplishments, and culture of African Americans in the United States. Celebrate all of February by immersing yourself in the variety of arts and literature that these diverse communities have to offer!

Self Care is Love
Loving yourself for who you are is one of the many fundamentals of mental health. Remind yourself that you are and always have been ENOUGH! 💖 Thank you Wellness and Prevention Center for the reminder!
The world is a better place with you in it 💚
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Stop the Stigma. Mental Health Awareness
Thank you Not One More for reminding us its okay to talk about this.