So Grateful & Thankful – Nov 2021

Thanks to all who Bought a ticket or Volunteered for the Shopping Extravaganza event at Outlets at San Clemente to help support this fundraiser for COA! It was a very successful event!

So grateful for the opportunity to spread awareness on the importance of healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices for our kids. The holiday edition of the beautiful San Clemente Journal hit newsstands this month and we hope you will pick up a copy and check out Community Outreach Alliance on page 52.

Sat. Nov.20th – LIVE MUSIC by COA Performers
at Mermade Market 9:30am – 4:45pm
24200 Dana Point Harbor Dr, Dana Point, CA
Check out lots of great hand-curated items from over 60 vendors at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point

Giving Tuesday is coming up on Tuesday, November 30th. Please consider donating to Community Outreach Alliance so we can continue to provide healthy activities for our youth and services for the community!
Did you know COA Ministries is on Amazon Smile? If you shop on Amazon during this holiday season, please go this route and choose COA Ministries. COA Community Outreach Alliance benefits from your purchase at no additional cost to you.
Thank you so much for your support!

Santa’s Village by the Sea- PUTTIN’ ON THE GLITZ
Enjoy listening to LIVE HOLIDAY MUSIC from the COA Performers from 5- 9pm
Come stop by our COA Community Outreach Alliance booth and say Hi!

CASA ROMANTICA-Casa Luminia – Roam through Casa Romantica’s historic seaside home and gardens, transformed into an illuminated and festively decorated winter wonderland at night A Fun family-friendly experience for all!
The following dates, there will be COA Performers in the Amphitheater.
DECEMBER 1,2,3,4,6,7,20,21,22 5:00-7:00 pm

On Friday Nov.12, COA Club held event-Board Game Friday Night- at the Noble Path Foundation building. Date will be announced for the next one.
Here is a quote from COA performer Temi Krovblit-who sang & played guitar. (In past couple years she has taken free guitar lessons-as one of COA’s -free healthy activities.)

San Clemente Sunrise Rotary Club held event-Honoring Our Heroes- on Sunday, November 14th at 9:00 . COA Performer, Aubrie Reichert, beautifully sang the National Anthem at Parque Del Mar.

San Clemente High School Play “Beauty and the Beast” performances that occurred Oct 29,30 and Nov 4,5,6.
Belle was played by a COA Performer Daisy Kope @daisylynkope
Daisy was INCREDIBLE and so was ALL THE CAST!

Check this out! Thrive Alive is back!
Shout out to our amazing Executive Director Boomer Rose, who never gave up on getting the teens back in person. 15 teens are on a self discovery journey to learn how to value themselves enough to know they are WORTH IT.
Thank you Cindi with the Noble Path Foundation for providing such a cool venue for the teens to go on this journey.

Wellness Wednesday’s at The Noble Path Foundation
Wednesdays – 4:30-6:30pm
Junior High – High School
Please complete also the Activity Waiver.

COA club representing Thrive Alive at San Clemente Red Ribbon week.

Download our Mobile App to Stay in the loop with upcoming COA activities and news!

Five youth from the COA Club will be attending the 32nd Annual National Leadership Forum, hosted by CADCA, the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America Institute. CADCAs mission is to build the capacity of community clubs and coalitions to create safe, healthy and drug-free communities. The best way to do that is through the development of youth leaders.
This training, happening January 31-February 3, 2022 in Washington DC will be 4 jam-packed days filled with trainings, exhibitions, and activities. Youth will have the opportunity to participate in activities such as Capitol Hill Day, a day where youth are able to meet with their congressional delegation and their key staffers to highlight their clubs mission and accomplishments and to educate policymakers in Congress about the importance of substance use and misuse prevention. They will also be part of the Ideas Fair, where emerging prevention research and cutting-edge strategies and implementations are displayed. Their theme for this year will be “Prevention Today for a Safer Tomorrow.” Lastly, the youth will be a part of the Prevention Day Event. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration will be hosting a forum for communication and networking on prevention priorities for the coming year. The youth will be able to take what they have learned at this training to help increase the impact the COA Club makes at our schools and in our community.
While amazing, this training is costly. Although COA has been able to offer assistance with the registration fee, our youth are responsible for fundraising the reminder of the cost of their trip. San Clemente Rotary Club has generously offered to pay for 1 youths trip. We are beyond grateful for their contribution!
Please visit our booth at the Puttin’ on the GLITZ event on Saturday, December 4th from 5pm-9pm on Del Mar Street in San Clemente. The students will be selling two different collectable puzzles featuring quintessential San Clemente sites taken by a local photographer that would make a great holiday gift for friends and family. Much of the proceeds will go towards the kids’ trip.

San Clemente Pier Puzzles for Sale
We have a supply San Clemente Pier Puzzles for sale from the San Clemente Rotary Club. These are great as gifts, and with the holiday season coming up, you may want to get ahead of the game.
When you order a puzzle, a member of Rotary club member will deliver it to you. Message us if it is out of the area for shipping options.
50% of the proceeds go to support Community Outreach Alliance and a portion of the proceeds will go towards a COA club youth going to the 32nd Annual National Leadership Forum Trip in Washington DC.
Thanks for your support!
Buy a Puzzle

Open Mic Night Tonight!
Friday, Nov. 19th-OPEN MIC NIGHT at the Baha’i Center
A talented Line-up..beginning at 7:00pm come and enjoy!
Arrive 6:45 in courtyard-for social with snacks
Can sign up to perform 1 song-(time permitting at the end of the evening)
There will also be COA Gaming in the adjoining room with Video Games and Board Games!
Come join the fun!
The San Clemente Baha’I Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
Interested in performing?
Contact Joanie at

Get a Video of You Performing on our Instagram Page!
Here’s How:
1. Submit your 30-59 second video through Instagram dms (messaging)
– make sure your video has no wording or logos on the video
-make sure your video is sent directly to the dms from your phone NOT as a forward from your Instagram account
-all videos should be COA appropriate
2. Once your video is received through the Instagram account it will be approved and scheduled.
3. We will only post one video a week and the videos will be scheduled and approved in the order in which they come into the best of our ability.

Excellent performances from the last last Open Mic Night Oct 15th by @aubrieannreichert @sagesammusic @therealmeganb @aynliu
Thanks to San Clemente Baha’i

Do you need groceries?
Free food distribution for those in need without identification!
No questions asked! At no cost!
The San Clemente Baha’I Center
3316 Avenida del Presidente
San Clemente, CA 92674
4:00 PM TO 6:00 PM
November 29th
December 13th and 27th
COA Food Connection ~ Who we are, What do we do and How do we do it…..
The COA “Food Pantry” consists of volunteers who strive to feed people locally, people we may know or see every day. They are a team that is committed to assisting those in need and generally doing positive acts to help our community.
Where do we get the food?
Every Tuesday and Thursday morning (8:00 am), we have volunteers who “pick up” donated groceries from Gelson’s, Ralph’s, Target and Walmart and transport them to the pantry to be sorted, stored or distributed that day. We receive a lot of fresh deli items that need to be distributed asap. Volunteers routinely take car loads of food to areas we know are in need, all local. This usually takes a couple of hours in the morning and we always need volunteers to keep things running smoothly.
Currently, food distribution is done in two ways:
Every other Monday afternoon/evening, COA sets up a food distribution at their current pantry location, The Baha’I Center, 3316 del Presidente, San Clemente, CA 92674. This event is directed by Sylvia Hassard-Johnson, one of our lead volunteers. We always need help setting up and working at this event, and everyone is welcome to “drop in” and lend a hand! Set up begins at 2:00 pm, distribution is 4:00-6:00 pm and cleanup afterward is less than an hour. Volunteers are not expected to work the entire time as we rotate volunteers. We appreciate any time you can spare to make these food distributions successful!
On the 1st and 3rd Thursday every month, Food Connection provides shopping in a pantry setting at Cotton’s Point Senior Apartments located at 2358 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672. We literally “pack up the pantry”, do our pick ups and set up an outdoor marketplace where the seniors peruse the items and pick up what they want. This is where our volunteering entails more than just feeding seniors. Many of the seniors do not get out of their apartments much, so they get a chance to socialize together, something they never did prior to our participation! We have been doing this for almost 5 years and many of the seniors have become family to us. Prior to Covid, twice a month we provided a homemade lunch/BBQ in their rec room, followed by bingo, games, music, prizes, etc.!
If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer, we certainly hope you will give us a try.
We have a solid core of volunteers that we know we can count on and hope you will consider joining COA Food Connection. In addition to serving our community, we sure manage to have a lot of fun while doing it and great relationships have been formed at “The Pantry”!
Big Thank you to these amazing Food Connection volunteers. Its always great seeing parents volunteering alongside their teens!

The Thursday Pantry team not only organizes food, they go through donated boxes of magazines, books, word seek puzzles, comic books and home decor items. Thanks Walmart San Clemente for helping COA Community Outreach Alliance provide what many can’t afford.

BILY (Because I Love You)
BILY (Because I Love You) is a parent-to-parent solutions-oriented program and equips parents with the tools needed to
regain control of their home, establish structure, and find the strength to develop new, cooperative family relationships.